Traded Services
Our mission is to provide high-quality, value-for-money services, which we deliver through our skilled and experienced staff. Following Buckinghamshire Council's core values

Traded Services School and Academy Show
October 11th 2024
Attend the first Traded Services School & Academy Show. Join our HR, IT, and Education Summits. Drop into the Schools Forum. Book a wide range of workshops. We welcome all Schools, Academies, and MATs, across Buckinghamshire.

Our services

ICT Schools Team
Providing support packages for SIMS, Arbor, FMS, PFM, and PS Financials along with School Technical Support

Property, Health and Safety
Fully vetted approved contractors, prolonged life of equipment and buildings

Education Services
From Early Years to A-Level, we provide support in all areas across education, Including data and information to schools, county attendance, admissions and appeals, and library services

Human Resources
Supporting your school with Payroll, Pensions, Employee Relations, Safeguarding, and Recruitment

Bucks Broadband
Ensuring pupils safety online reliable remote access allowing you to work from home

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