BESST Governor Training
BESST Governor Training
Governor Training
Governor training is a vital element in every governing board’s effectiveness. For 2024/25 we encourage all boards to subscribe to the NGA’s Learning Link e-learning platform to ensure that all governors access a quality induction and information about all aspects of governance.
In addition, BESST will offer a select programme of live virtual sessions for all governors throughout the academic year on a pay as you go basis, designed to supplement the national training offered by the NGA and provide a Buckinghamshire expert view on specific key topics where the county view is essential. Buckinghamshire Council’s termly ‘Governor Priority Briefing’ are free of charge, as are ‘Introduction to Safeguarding in Schools’ live online sessions which will be run at least twice during the academic year 2024/25.
Additionally, a new governor induction checklist and guide are available to all governors on SchoolsWeb.
Available training sessions:
Priorities Briefing for CoGs and Clerks
This free briefing session for Chairs of Governors and Governance Professionals (clerks, advisors) will support you in considering your governing boards' priorities. Online
Safeguarding in schools – An introduction for governors
This free session is essential learning for new governors and is also relevant to those more experienced governors who wish to refresh their knowledge of safeguarding in schools. Online
04.03.25 or 13.05.25
Safeguarding updates for experienced governors
This session provides experienced governors with an overview of recent updates in safeguarding and insights from Buckinghamshire schools. Online
The role of the safeguarding governor in an Ofsted inspection
Ensure you understand the role of the Safeguarding Governor in planning for and during an Ofsted inspection. Online
New Governor Networking Drop-In
Join this informal session for an interactive opportunity for new governors to meet other governors from across Bucks, ask any burning questions and share tips you have picked up. Online
13.03.25 or 10.06.25
Suspensions & Exclusion
This course will outline the role of governors in monitoring suspensions and the importance of seeking further training.
An Introduction to Schools Finance
Gain information and guidance on school funding types, finance reports and key dates to be aware of. Online
RE and Collective Worship for Governors
Gain the skills and confidence you need to help your governing body ensure a consistent and whole-school approach to RE.
Keep up to date with our latest news and events and contact us via social media.
Headteacher performance management
Join our Buckinghamshire School Improvement Advisors to understand the requirements of the headteacher performance management process. Online
Develop your understanding of the correct procedures to follow when dealing with a complaint from a parent or member of the community.
Preparing for and supporting your school in an Ofsted Inspection
Join Buckinghamshire Council School Improvement Advisors to hear insights from recent Ofsted inspections across Bucks schools. Online
Understanding governance; what good strategic governance looks like
This session will provide an introduction for new governors on the crucial strategic role that governors play in supporting schools and holding them to account. Online
Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware Schools
This is an introduction to ‘Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware’ approaches in schools. Online
Appointing an Executive Leader
Recruiting a headteacher is arguably one of the most important tasks a governing board will undertake.
Early Years Training for Governors
Gain and understanding of the Early Years Curriculum, as well as practical insights into teaching and learning in Early Years settings.
Equality and Diversity
Ensure your governing board understands the importance of the Equality Act and can use this knowledge to make impactful governance contributions.