Bucks Broadband
Bucks Broadband
Buckinghamshire Council has built a modern technology infrastructure which replaces former county and district authority computer systems. This is called ONE Network. A new, managed broadband and associated services product, which represents excellent value and convenience, is now available for Buckinghamshire Schools. This is Buckinghamshire Council ONE Network Broadband.
This provides the means for schools to connect to the Internet safely. The service consists of one or more always-on, high-speed Internet connections, with security features for protection, content management for safeguarding, and support included.
As the number of school services and applications needing the Internet continues to grow, broadband plays an increasingly key role in delivering the curriculum. Schools may have many use cases which access the internet simultaneously. It is likely a high-quality connection is needed to enable many of the school’s day-to-day operations to run cost-effectively. It must be fast enough for staff and pupils to use, even at busy times, and be reliable enough for you to trust it will work. It must be secure enough to make sure that everyone using the Internet in the school community does so safely. This is to protect from external threats and unsuitable material without restricting normal use.
Included benefits
If you choose the Buckinghamshire Council as your broadband provider, you will get:
- a dedicated broadband connection, with speed options to match your school’s needs
- firewall-based network security protecting against viruses, malware, intrusion and vulnerabilities
- content management and web filtering of website pages, applications and services
- access to that system such that you are in control of the content you choose to permit or block
- Internet activity monitoring and reporting (prevent agenda), to block inappropriate search activity
- Google Bing and Safe Search
- safeguarding response and support
- identification of activity to individual account holder level
- secure remote access to your network
- a dedicated School's Service Desk portal for requests, reports and upgrades
- support and expert advice, directly from the Council