ICT Schools Team
ICT Schools Team
The ICT Schools Team is committed to providing a single point of contact for schools via telephone, email and remote access at an extremely competitive price.
We understand that every school has different needs so our service is flexible to suit you, and we provide a yearly Service Level Agreement (SLA) in line with the financial year. You are then free to choose a support package to suit your school’s requirements, which includes either a full training package or a pay-as-you-use option.
Our customers value our full service, experience, and expertise. Our ethos of providing an all-inclusive service, irrespective of the size of the school, is highly regarded by our customers and is a testament to their continued business.
Additional Services
- SIMS Hosted Solution
- Statutory Data Returns training packages
- Consultancy and data quality packages for school improvement
- Twilight and INSET training for whole school staff
- Ofsted service
- Bursar and Admin support service on a pay-as-used basis to all schools
Bursar Service
The Schools Financial Systems Support Team has an experienced team of bursars who can provide Bursar Support on a pay-as-you-use basis to all schools. Our bursars are able to cover all aspects of school finance tasks including Budget Setting, Budget Monitoring, and reporting to Headteachers and Governors.
You may like to consider purchasing Bursar Service support in the following:
- If a member of your finance staff is absent for a protracted length of time
- You have a new finance member of staff who may benefit from on-site support and guidance to enable them to reinforce their training and settle into their new role
- If you have a finance post that you are waiting to fill
- If you would like periodic Bursar Service support to free your finance staff to do other tasks or a permanent Bursar Service
Admin Service
The ICT Schools Team has a number of experienced staff who can provide Admin Support on a pay-as-you-use basis to all schools. Our staff is able to cover all aspects of school support including pupil and staff database, support with statutory requirements such as School Census and School Workforce Return, or just additional support at busy periods such as at the end of the academic year. You may like to consider purchasing Admin Service support in the following:
- If a member of your office staff is absent for a protracted length of time
- You have a new member of staff who may benefit from on-site support and guidance to enable them to reinforce their training and settle into their new role
- If you have a post that you are waiting to fill
- If you would like periodic support to free your staff to do other tasks
MIS and financial systems support services
The ICT Schools Team provides support for SIMS, Arbor, FMS, Iris Financials, and PFM as follows:
- Unlimited assistance via telephone, email, and remote access
- Comprehensive training courses, seminars/webinars, and remote assistance workshops (including user-friendly guides).
- Technical support of Admin devices and networks, including deployment upgrades, on-demand patches and RBUSS storage cloud back up pf 50GB included in some packages and additional storage available.
- SIMS only schools. Highly discounted annual entitlement to Buckinghamshire Local Authority maintained schools. This is unique to Buckinghamshire Council.
Visit our online shop to purchase this package
MIS Support Packages
Premium package for Secondary Schools
- Unlimited MIS and FMS/Iris Financials support including telephone, email and remote access
- Scheduled MIS and FMS/Iris Financials training courses, workshops, and seminars/webinars
- Access to ICT Zone on Schools Web
Premium package for Primary/Special/PRUs & Nurseries
- Unlimited MIS and FMS/Iris Financials support including telephone, email and remote assistance
- Scheduled MIS training courses, workshops, and seminars/ webinars
- Technical support of SIMS admin PCs including the technical support of MIS
- RBUSS+ Backup includes 50GB storage space
- SIMS Upgrade Service
- Access to ICT Zone on Schools Web
Standard package for Secondary Schools
- Includes all elements of the Premium package except scheduled MIS and FMS/Iris Financials training courses, workshops and seminars/webinars’
- All training, workshops and seminars/webinars will be charged on a ‘Pay As Used’ basis
- Scheduled MIS and FMS/Iris Financials training courses, workshops and seminars/webinars
Standard package for Primary/Special/PRUs & Nurseries
- Includes all elements of the Premium package except scheduled MIS and FMS/Iris Financials training courses, workshops and seminars/webinars
- All training, workshops and seminars/webinars will be charged on a ‘Pay As Used’ basis