Buckinghamshire Traded Services

BASL Conference 2024

BASL Conference 2024

The Buckinghamshire Academy for School Leaders (BASL) annual conference for school leaders

The conference is organised by the Bucks Council Education Team, as part of the support available for school leaders. It is a two-day event, with a range of guest speakers and the council's own teams.

This years event took place on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd March at the Crown Plaza in Stratford-Upon-Avon. 

The guest speakers of this year's event were: 

  • Alex Barker: Coach, facilitator, speaker, author & pirate
  • Judith Germain: Hopeful pragmatist, author & maverick
  • Joe Sparks: No-nonsense leadership & performance coach & surfer
  • Becky Allen: Co-founder of Teacher Tapp & author
  • Nigel Owens: Former rugby referee, MBE, Welsh TV presenter, anti-bullying and gay rights champion & cattle farmer

We'd like to say thank you to all the guest speakers for taking the time to come and present and our event, we'd also like to thank all of the Bucks Council staff who attended. 

But most importantly, we'd like to thank all the school staff who attended the event, we appreciate you coming all the way and we hope you found it as useful as we did. 

It was a pleasure speaking to people in person whom we usually liaise with over the phone and email. 


Table at BASL Conference

Two members of the Traded Services team attended the event this year, here's what they had to say:

"We had many visitors to our stand who all knew who we were and some even mentioned team members by name to give kudos for their valuable support. It left me feeling really proud of the team and its impact on our customers. I was able to speak to several headteachers and talk about their experience using SchoolsWeb and what they would like to be better. We were able to give out lots of information leaflets, drum up some potential opportunity leads, and give out invites to our School Forum relaunch! There is always something to talk about with our customers as we work collaboratively across the majority of traded and support services, and this breadth of connection helps solidify a trusted relationship with the school leadership. It almost feels like catching up with friends. The stand looked fab and everyone left with something in hand...they loved the colourful tote bags!" - Amy Impey

"It was great to meet and speak to so many head teachers. I appreciate those who took the time to ask questions and provide feedback regarding certain traded areas. From the enthusiasm we received about our upcoming event, we are keen it is going to be a successful one."  - Alicia Stoke

Hopefully next year's event will be just as good. 

Traded Service stand at the BASL conference

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