Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Teaching & Assessing Reading & Writing for Year 1,2 & 3

Teaching & Assessing Reading & Writing for Year 1,2 & 3

We are offering a day of sharing good practice and practical advice for Teachers in Year 1, 2 and 3. Completing end of KS1 SATs in reading, writing and maths is no longer compulsory, however, we would like to offer an opportunity for teachers in Y1, 2 and 3 to come together and share good practice in standardisation and assessment for reading and writing.  The training will refresh teachers’ knowledge and understanding of National Curriculum statements for Y1/2/3 in reading and writing; putting those standards in context, so that teachers have a clarity of the progression of learning for pupils.  Delegates will revise the principles of assessment, standardisation, and moderation, with opportunities to discuss and apply understanding.        

Training Outcomes

  • Encourage reflection upon curriculum and pedagogy to support achievement from Y1 (KS1) through to Y3 (KS2),
  • Revise the principles and practice of assessment, standardisation, and moderation ,
  • Support accuracy in applying knowledge of the standards for teacher assessment of reading and writing,
  • Deepen understanding of the pre-key stage and NC requirements for reading and writing in Y1-3.


  • The Buckinghamshire Council Moderation Team


Teachers in Years 1, 2 & 3, Primary Assessment Leads

Age Phase 


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