Safeguarding in Employment
Safeguarding in Employment
We have an experienced team of safeguarding employment experts who go the extra mile to ensure everything is clear and easy from the beginning. We offer a quick, streamlined, online DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service).
The service includes:
- Advice & delivery of pre-employment and DBS check
- Advice on checks for contractors, volunteers and overseas staff etc
- Single Central Record best practice and audits
- Advice on positive DBS checks
- Providing updates on ever-changing safeguarding legislation, such as KCSE and Childcare Disqualification Regulations etc
- Delivery of safeguarding in employment workshops for your staff
Safer recruitment toolkit
Safer recruitment toolkit is based on statutory guidance. It has been developed to support headteachers through all safeguarding aspects of the recruitment process.
The recruitment & retention toolkit is divided into four main sections: recruitment, selection, offering onboarding, and induction and retention.
DBS Application Form processing service
- DBS Application Forms are processed promptly using an online system.
- The average turnaround time for receiving information back from the DBS is 5 days, helping your recruitment process to proceed quickly and smoothly.
- Any designated individual at your organisation can have access to track each DBS application through each stage of the process.
- The online data validation of the system means that applications cannot be submitted with insufficient information – which means no time wasted returning an incomplete application to you.
- The system guides you through the “three routes” ID checking process quickly and easily.
We also offer:
- A DBS-approved External ID Validation checking service, which is a requirement of all DBS applicants being verified via ID Route Two
Expert Advice and Support
- Implementing and applying the latest developments in government legislation
- Eligibility for DBS checks and Barred List checks
- Making a recruitment decision following receipt of a DBS Certificate which contains information
- Using volunteers at your organisation
- Applicants that have lived overseas
- Contractors visiting your organisation
- Customised training e.g. safeguarding interviewing skills and safer recruitment training, single central records (for schools).
To help you keep children safe in your school and ensure information is shared with parents appropriately,
our team supports your school or academy in providing the latest guidance via:
- Procedures and FAQs on SchoolsWeb
- Policies and Toolkits
- Telephone / Email advice
- Training courses