Communication and Interaction Tiers of Support (aligned with resource allocation bands)
Last updated:Communication and Interaction Tiers of Support (aligned with resource allocation bands)
Tier 1
There are no pre-requisites for accessing support at T1.
There is no need to demonstrate the APDR cycle.
Schools/settings are expected to implement Ordinarily Available Provision at this level for all children and young people.
Child or young person support
Freely available support and guidance include:
• Weekly phone advice line for the county. There are no pre-requisites for accessing this, including parent/carer support, as this is a confidential service, and the child or young person does not need to be identified.
School/setting support
• Autism Education Trust (AET) for early years, school, and post 16 settings
• Making Sense of Autism (Tier 1 AET training)
• In collaboration with schools/settings and professionals from other disciplines, the Integrated SEND Service may also be involved in organising and delivering parent programmes
Freely available support and guidance include:
• Ordinarily Available Provision: a graduated response, located on the local offer website; and
• Advice sessions, both accessed via Buckinghamshire Family Info
• Liaison with SENCo and relevant school/setting staff.
• Advice and signposting to other agencies via the Local Offer.
• Training courses available via the Integrated SEND Service.
Tier 2
Children and young people may be at SEN Support or EHCP level at this stage.
Schools/settings must demonstrate Ordinary Available Provision, application of a graduated approach, and a minimum of one cycle of ADPR cycle.
Child or young person support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Promote positive aspects of an individual’s abilities, skills, and behaviours to ensure these are utilised in any specific plans.
• Observation of child or young person and production of a record of the visit, including recommendations.
• Supporting with requests for statutory assessment.
• Review of recommendations.
• Advice regarding a request for EHCNA.
• Develop specific reward systems based on an individual's own strength and interests.
• Assessment, consultation, and advice.
School/setting support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Modelling and training for staff on interventions, strategies, group work as appropriate.
• Advice and effective planning for transition between settings, schools, and colleges.
• Strategies for inclusive classroom practice.
• Support in auditing the environment to measure possible impact on sensory processing and behaviour.
• Supporting planning for achieving better outcomes for CYP with autism.
• Multiagency planning meetings.
Tier 3
Children and young people will typically be at EHCP level at this stage.
Schools/settings must demonstrate Ordinary Available Provision, application of a graduated approach, and a minimum of one cycle of ADPR cycle.
Child or young person support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Direct involvement with the child or young person and school
• Direct intervention to assess needs in order to identify issues and develop recommendations.
• Input into curriculum planning and differentiation.
• Advice and recommendations for independent learning/skills.
• Social skills training for the child or young person.
School/setting support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Input into curriculum planning and differentiation.
• Social skills modeling
• Supporting behaviour that challenges in autism
• Work with parents/carers and staff from other agencies.
Tier 4
Children and young people at this level will have an EHCP.
Child or young person support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Direct intervention to support assessed needs.
• Mentoring and gathering the CYP’s views.
• Advice on program planning and progress
• Direct intervention support access to the curriculum
• Support to prepare for change of placement, transition, and preparation for adulthood
• Social skills modelling
• Play skills for younger children
• Developing specific reward systems based on individuals own strengths and interests
• Support in auditing the environment to measure the possible impact on sensory processing and behaviour
School/setting support
In addition to relevant support from the tiers above, support may include a combination of the following:
• Parent programmes will be delivered in collaboration with schools and settings and will offer indirect support to them in terms of improving parental confidence and fostering positive relationships. These may include;
o Support for transition.
o Signposting and liaison.
• Facilitation of workshops, drop-ins, and support groups.
Tier 5
This level of support will only be accessed if there is:
• A highly complex situation
• A direction from a tribunal that requires specific intervention.
• A highly vulnerable child or young person who is placed out of authority and/or a high level of monitoring is required.
Child or young person support
A direct response to the identified needs of the child or young person will be agreed where there are significant issues related to communication and interaction areas of need and these are as a result of:
• Requirement for a bespoke package of support in direct response to the specific circumstances of the child or young person.
• Any other issues and concerns raised by the Integrated SEND Service.
School/setting support
A direct response to the identified needs of the school/setting will be agreed where there are significant issues related to communication and interaction areas of need and these are as a result of:
• The impact on an Ofsted inspection and outcome on a school/setting.
• A notice to close that is putting children and young people’s placement at risk.
• A significant safeguarding concern.