Tiers of support
Last updated:The ‘tiers of support’ approach in Buckinghamshire is aligned with the SEND banding system for allocating resources. This means that resources, support, and provision are considered as part of an individualised and coordinated approach to meeting the needs of children and young people.
As described above, Specialist Teacher support is available to all children and young people on roll in mainstream schools (maintained and academies), some non-maintained nurseries, and some specialist provision, where there is a sensory need. In addition, hearing support, vision impairment, and multi-sensory impairment specialists support families at home from diagnosis at birth.
Once support has been initiated the relevant Specialist Teacher will contact the setting to arrange to come and carry out an assessment of the pupil’s need. This assessment will help to determine the support the pupil will receive.
In line with the tiered approach, it is recognised that schools need access to early intervention and support. A weekly phone line is available so that schools/settings and parents can access advice easily and at the earliest stage for pupils with communication and interaction needs. This phone line will be manned by Specialist teachers from the language and ASD teams.