I-SEND Training
I-SEND Training
Buckinghamshire Council’s Integrated SEND Service have designed a free bespoke, high quality training programme. Our training will be delivered by a range of Local Authority Professionals, including Specialist Teachers, SEND Inclusion Advisors, EHCCos and Educational Psychologists.
Our training will support educational professional’s learning and development whilst supporting our iSEND Service Ambitions.
Our iSEND Service Ambition
Our service is striving to:
Work in partnership with others to provide an inclusive Buckinghamshire offer for children and young people with SEND.
Be aspirational for what our children and young people can achieve.
Proactively support our children, young people and families.
Be creative with our support for children and young people.
Communicate well with our children, young people, families and partners.
Put wellbeing and care at the centre of our service so we can deliver for our children and young people.
Achieve the best outcomes for our children and young people.
Available Sessions:
Supporting in the Classroom: How to work effectively with support staff
In this course, you will be given strategies and approaches to work effectively with support staff in your school or setting.
How to Support Independence in the Classroom
This course is designed for teachers and SENDCOs to provide practical strategies to foster independence in learning for students with special educational needs and disabilities.
Education & Healthcare Needs Assessments (EHCNA) and Higher Needs Block Funding Requests (HNBF)
Get an overview of the relevant legislative framework.
The Sections of EHCP
This online course will explain the content that should be included in each section of the EHCP.
Alternatives to Phonics and Spelling
To identify and explore alternatives to phonics when teaching spelling to children and young people with DLD
Alternatives to Phonics and Reading
To identify and explore alternatives to phonics when teaching reading to children and young people with DLD
Independence Skills
Explore why independence is important for children and young people with DLD.
LSA Support Network Down Syndrome
Join our Learning Support Assistant (LSA) Network Meeting for those working with pupils with Down syndrome.
27.02.25 or 19.06.25
Understanding the Needs of Autistic Girls
This course is designed to help school staff better understand and support autistic girls in mainstream school settings.
The Development of Reading (full-day session)
This training will present evidence-based research on the development of reading, including word recognition and comprehension.
The Gateway
The Development of Reading (Half day sessions)
This training will present evidence-based research on the development of reading, including word recognition and comprehension.
14.01.25 & 22.01.25
Educational Assessments for Pupils with Down Syndrome
This session will provide an opportunity to look at tools for assessing the progress of pupils with Down syndrome.
Keep up to date with our latest news and events and contact us via social media.
This training will present evidence-based research on dyslexia.
The Gateway
Alternative Provision
The session will go through the statutory guidance to schools and what this looks like in practice.
04.02.25 or 07.05.25
Resolutions & Tribunals
This online course will provide an overview of Buckinghamshire’s SEND Resolution and Tribunal process.
Annual Reviews
This online course will provide an overview of the annual review process and the role of the Local Authority and the setting.
Learner Voice and Co-production
In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn about co-production and learner voice and how you can implement best practice in your setting.
SMART Outcomes on EHCPs
In this online course, you will learn about what SMART outcomes are and how you can embed them in your processes and practice in your setting.
Alternatives to Recording
To gain understanding and explore alternatives to written recording methods to use in the classroom for children and young people with DLD.
To give school staff the skills to deliver a successful transition for children and young people with DLD.
Understanding and Supporting Social Interactions
These courses are for teachers and support staff who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in supporting the social development of pupils with special educational needs.
15.01.25 or 29.01.25
Introduction to Down Syndrome
This session will help attendees develop a greater understanding of the learning profile of pupils with Down syndrome.
An Introduction to Supporting Regulation
This course provides an introductory overview of supporting regulation in schools for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
03.02.25 or 06.02.25
Sensory and Physical Raising Awareness - Sensory and Physical Training
Free bespoke training, as requested throughout the year as part of your support for a child or young person (CYP) with a sensory impairment and/or physical disability.
Autism Education Trust (AET) Training Sessions
We are pleased to hold the licence to deliver AET Training for Schools and Post-16 Settings within Buckinghamshire.
Autism Education Trust Training is fully accredited and may be booked individually or delivered within individual settings.