Safeguarding Updates for Experienced Governors
Experienced Governors
This session provides experienced governors with an overview of recent updates in safeguarding and insights from Buckinghamshire schools.
The content assumes attendees have a foundational knowledge of safeguarding before attending, and therefore governors are encourged to complete the course 'Safeguarding in schools - An introduction to governors' before attending this session.
Whilst primarily aimed at Safeguarding governors, this session is relevant to all governors to keep safeguarding knowledge up to date.
- Governors will understand latest developments and changes in safeguarding responsibilities
- Governors will gain awareness of insights from Buckinghamshire schools
- Governors will confidently understand their responsibilities
- Governors will be aware of where to access further sources of information
Georgina Masefield and Kerry Lidgett, School Improvement Advisors
Who should book on:
Safeguarding Governors