Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware Schools

Trauma Informed

This is an introduction to ‘Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware’ approaches in schools.

This session will explain how trauma and attachment difficulties impact on child development and how this can lead to neurological and societal barriers for learning and healthy social functioning.

It will also provide guidance on how schools can take a whole school approach to supporting these children and young people, improving outcomes for this vulnerable cohort, while benefiting the whole school community.


• Review outcomes for our vulnerable children and young people nationally

• Understand the different attachment styles and how they may present in behaviours which challenge

• Understand how the brain develops, the impact of trauma on this process and how this can create barriers for learning and social functioning

• Explore some Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware approaches at work via a case study

• Raise awareness of the support Buckinghamshire Virtual School currently offers schools and other professionals as part of the extended duty to all children with social workers


Vicky Carrick-Lynch (Assistant Head of the Virtual School responsible for children with social workers)

Who should book on:

All governors

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