Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Adaptive Teaching for Learners using EAL- Primary

Adaptive Teaching for Learners using EAL - Primary

This course equips you to adapt teaching in a responsive way to meet the language development needs of multilingual learners alongside curriculum learning. The course introduces a range of easy-to-use strategies that you can  implement immediately into your teaching to make lessons more accessible for pupils who use English as an Additional Language (EAL) while maintaining high expectations of all learners.

Training Outcomes

  • Learn how to adapt teaching in a responsive way to meet the language development needs of pupils who use EAL alongside curriculum learning,
  • Gain a range of easy-to-use strategies that can be implemented immediately into teaching and learning without lowering expectations of the pupils.


  • Naureen Kausar - School Improvement Advisor,
  • Usha Askoolum - Specialist Teacher of Cognition and Learning.


Primary EAL Coordinators, Primary Classroom Practitioners

Age Phase 


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