Buckinghamshire Traded Services

Securing Judgement

Securing Judgement

This half-day event will bring together Year 6 teachers from across Buckinghamshire. It will allow teachers to discuss their judgements for writing with colleagues beyond their own school and support a standardised application of national frameworks. This session offers an excellent opportunity to work with colleagues from diverse school contexts, including LA external moderators, and provides the basis for high level discussion about pupils’ writing and assessment.  Participants will be asked to provide a full sample of writing evidence for 3 pupils who they judge to represent the range of achievement in their class.   Training sessions will run both the morning and afternoon -please select one session.                                                                                                                                        

Training Outcomes

  • Participants will have the chance to present their evidence, hear from other teachers, work with trained moderators and discuss their findings.
  • Participants will consider the implications for planning and pedagogy.


  • The Buckinghamshire Council Moderation Team


Year 6 Teachers 

Age Phase


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